Buy 1B-LSD


Product Name:1B-LSD
IUPAC Name:none
Other Names:1B-LSD
Cas Number:none
Molecular Formula:none
Molar Mass:none g•mol-1
Effect:psychedelic, hallucinogen
Purity of the substance:99.9%
Physical properties:liquid, blottersv


Buy 1B-LSD, N1-butyryl-lysergic acid diethylamide, sometimes known as 1B-LSD, is a special derivative of the well-known hallucinogen LSD. Although psychedelic effects had been observe in animal experiments and it had been advertise as a designer drug, its potency is thought to be around seven times lower than that of LSD. This page’s goal is to provide a thorough review of it, including its effects, background, and possible dangers. The famous hallucinogenic drug LSD, also known as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), has a new derivative call 1B-LSD. LSD had been utilise for its mind-altering properties for many years and is thought to be one of the strongest psychedelics ever create. It is unclear exactly how LSD and other work to produce their effects. However, it is thought to involve

LSD is converte into 1B-LSD by changing the molecule to make it active even when consume orally. Because of this modification, it  is more practical than LSD, which needs to be administer sublingually (under the tongue). The substance 1B-LSD is quite new and has just recently been commercially introduce. It first appeare as a designer drug in the late 2010s, and since then, it has gain popularity as a stimulant use recreationally.


Visual and auditory hallucinations, modifications to cognition and perception, and modifications to mood and emotions are some effects of 1B-LSD. Depending on the dosage, environment, and individual characteristics, the precise nature and intensity of these effects may differ greatly from person to person.

In addition to these typical psychedelic effects, it has been note that it causes other bodily changes, including an increase body temperature, a faster heartbeat, and dilate pupils. The use of 1B-LSD carries a number of hazards and potential negative effects, just like any drug that modifies consciousness.  The outcomes under certain circumstances might be overwhelming and terrifying, resulting in anxiety, panic, and even outright insanity. The potency of 1B-LSD and the possibility of unintentional overdose are two more potential issues. It is challenging for customers to choose the safe dosage range for a relatively new drug because there is little information on the recommend dosage range accessible.


100mg, 200mg, 300mg, 500mg, 1000mg


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